Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hair So Fair

Blah blah Hair Fair blah blah. You know the drill. Everyone's talking about it, everyone's doing it. You should, too!

Wilmur, Master of Abaci
Deco's Shifty Hair and Beard - Hair Fair 2013

Sometimes you just have to let your hair down and go au naturale!
Curio Obscura's Godiva - Hair Fair 2013

As you're going crazy throwing money at Hair fair, make sure to stop by the Wigs for Kids bandana shops (I believe there are duplicate shops on every sim) and pick up these creative coverings! Below is a mere taste of what's available. There are some really beautiful and unique creations this year!

Top row: Hopscotch, The Bitten Prim, Aisling
Middle row: TuttiFrutti, Lelutka, Ohmai!
Bottom row: Hopscotch, JustMagnetic/Balkanic2.0, W.Winx

All are only 50L and the proceeds go to Wigs for Kids! In some of the bandana folders are nice notes from the creators about why they chose to participate, the idea behind the design, or other personal messages! It's a neat way for both hair and non-hair creators to show support for this worthy cause!
The last day of Hair Fair is the day set aside to wear your bandanas to show solidarity for those who have lost hair due to treatment. Be sure to stock up before then!

1 comment:

  1. HOO! Lovely bandannas! They are mod so you can wear them if you are a tiny or leviathan or whatever. I happily forgo head hair for my bandannas (but no one wants to see a totally bald meerkat). Thank you Dame Edith from Polly Ellsmere.
